Grażyna Dehnel , Michał Pietrzak , Łukasz Wawrowski

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The main source of information about revenues of small business sector is currently provided mainly by sample surveys conducted by the Central Statistical Office. Parameters of interest can only be estimated with acceptable precision at the level of the country and province or by NACE section. It is caused by the sample size, method of estimation and sample design. The motivation for the study was the growing demand for reliable estimates at a low level of aggregation. The aim of this study was application of the Fay-Herriot model, one of the methods, which use auxiliary variables, for estimating revenue of enterprises employing 10 to 49 employees. The study used data from a meld DG 1, the most important research in the field of business statistics, as well as data from administrative registers. The study allowed to observe some regularities and characteristics of the small business sector in Poland.


small area estimation, indirect estimation, Fay-Herriot model, administrative registers economic statistics


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